Project Overview

The City of Parkville recently passed a dedicated park sales tax, something that has never occurred in the City’s history before.  Based on a 2016 Parks Master Plan study recommending ballfields in the Platte Landing Park area along the banks of the Missouri River, McClure was engaged on this project through an existing on-call agreement with the City of Parkville to help with more detailed design concepts and program verification of the facility to ensure the sales tax is budgeted effectively. Work is being coordinated both with the City and the Army Corp of Engineers ecosystem restoration project that will soon be under construction. McClure has focuses on providing additional detail to the sports complex design including identifying the actual parking needs for this type of complex, playgrounds, shelters, concession, restroom, and maintenance buildings, six multi-purpose fields and four baseball/softball fields. Our team has been working closely with City Staff to identify funding gaps and come up with creative solutions, engaging with our partners in the construction industry, to help ensure the City is providing an appropriate budget for the project based on real world construction numbers.


Project Highlights:

  • Recommended layouts to expand size and quantity of fields in future phases
  • Engagement with construction partners to verify project budgets
  • Identification of opportunities to utilize fill material from adjacent wetlands project


Parkville, MO


Landscape Architecture

Master Planning

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Platte Landing Sports Complex Master Planning


Parkville, MO


Landscape Architecture

Master Planning

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Platte Landing Sports Complex Master Planning

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